Tuesday 29 May 2012

Muralista's: My Favorite Works

I have never heard of the word 'Muralista' till today.  Apparently, painting murals was a movement brought about in the 1930's in Mexico.  Murals were created as both a social and a political tool.  One of the muralistas that I find most fascinating is Jose Clemente Orozco, social realist painter, who created a lot of powerful art during his lifetime.  (Novemeber 1883 - September 1949).
In this painting entitled, "The Trench," from 1926 Orozco is attempting to portray the revolution occurring at the time.  The dead soldiers portray the violence of the time, as well the use of dead rather than fighting soldiers implies realism.
Another one of Orozco's popular works is, "Gods of the Modern World," a painting with a focus on the social time Orozco was positioned in.  It portrays the way technology was shaping his environment, and is a powerful work of art.
Gods of the Modern World

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