Mundo Quino is a well known, Latin American comic strip created by a Joaquin Slavado Lacado, a cartoonist from Argentina. His most famous cartoon strip, features a six year old girl called Malfalda. This girl is concerned about humanity and world peace, as well as the current state of the world. She often makes ironic comments about Argentina society, or national idiosyncrasies. Below is one of Lacado's comic strips.
The cartoon pictured above, seems to speak to the current state of the world. Mafalda, the older girl, is teaching her younger brother about some basic things such as the plant and chair. However when he points to the globe, which represents the world at this time, she say's its his diaper. What can be interpreted here, is that the world situation currently stinks. There is obviously some international or global economic phenomenon occurring that is giving her a pessimistic view of the world.
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